
Group: DynoMotion Message: 5439 From: funncarsmi Date: 7/11/2012
Subject: Spindle RPM
Everything on my mill seems to be slightly different from what others are doing.

I need a 0-10VDC output to control my spindle speed (450 to 3300 RPM). Right now I don't have any RPM feedback. I am planning to add a tach output, but I need to run the system before I implement that.

I have my +-10VDC contolling my X, Y, and Z axis (ch0,1,2) with encoders. That was easy. I have connected Kanalog JP11 (ch3)to the speed input for the spindle, but am not sure how to configure it.

When I am programming I would like to input the Gcode speed in RPM (not voltage).

Group: DynoMotion Message: 5441 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 7/11/2012
Subject: Re: Spindle RPM
Hi funncarsmi,
You would control your spindle with simple open loop DAC commands.  Test your Spindle using the KMotion Console Screen by entering commands like DAC3=200 and so forth.
There in an option in KMotionCNC | Tool Setup | M3-M9 | S | DAC
This allows you to scale the RPM to DAC counts if a simple linear relationship will work.  To do something more complicated you will need to write and assign a C Program/

Group: DynoMotion Message: 10519 From: ricochetproducts Date: 11/18/2014
Subject: Spindle RPM

Hi Tom,  Can spindle RPM be monitored with a pulse type sensor something like this http://www.cnc4pc.com/Store/osc/product_info.php?cPath=25&products_id=129

If so, do you have a sample file?

Thanks, Steve